層層堆疊的紋路,閃耀迷人的光澤,漆器之美如同魔法般神秘且高貴,遠古至今,漆器存在人們的生活周圍,也在迭代更替的時代中變化求新,台灣位於亞洲的地理和文化的交匯點,大多數的人對漆的印象還是一知半解,「為什麼那麼昂貴?」、「食器使用上會有毒嗎?」、「好像只有日本才有漆器? 」、「漆器有甚麼優點?」,民眾各種的疑問將會在展覽中梳理清晰,透過對話讓傳統文化與人們之間的距離更為親切。
展覽日期|2020.07.29(三)- 09.29(二)
開放時間|10:00~18:00 自由入場
展覽地點|松山文創園區 東向製菸工廠一樓 松菸小賣所
The alchemy of lacquerware-Feature exhibition of Sunrise lacquer art:
The relatively
rare lacquer ware studio , Sunrise Lacquer Art, is now presents you with their
special featured exhibition, in which the art lovers will get to learn the
basics of lacquerware in an effortless way. The four aspects of this exhibit
include: features of the nature paint, process of the materials, illustrations
of the works, the enchanting charm of giving new life to damaged works, along
with a stress to share with the art goers the world of lacquerware artists.
Its amazing power is like mining natural stones in the dark and turning
them into gold, which is magical and overwhelming.
The stacked striations, the dazzling glow, and
the beauty of lacquerware make it is as mysterious and elegant as magic. Since
ancient time, lacquerware has been in people’s life and has been evolved
through generations. Taiwan, as the bridge of Asia both geographically and
culturally, most people, however, have not a clear concept of lacquareware. The
often asked questions like “Why is it so expensive?” “Might those laquarware be
poisonous?” “ Is laquareware only seen in Japan?” “What makes laquareware
special?” will all be answered in this exhibition. The dialogue in the
exhibition will bring this unique traditional culture closer to people and
offers a friendly touch of it.
Exhibition Information
Date:July 29th
to September 29th,2020
(Free entry)
Cultural and Creative Park / SongYan Gallery